Serra Club of Spokane
is part of Serra USA, a national network of clubs and councils that help comprise Serra International. Serra International is formally recognized by the Holy See as the global lay apostolate for vocations in the Catholic Church.
Members are Catholic men and women of all ages and backgrounds who work and pray to ensure the future of the Church by creating a “culture of vocations.”
Its affiliation with the Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations reflects not only specific support from the Vatican, but also confers special spirtitual benefits on all Serrans.
Serra membership includes:
1) vocation prayer opportunities
2) activities and events that help Serrans learn about, support, and promote vocations
3) opportunities to build fellowship between Serrans, seminarians, clergy, and consecrated religious
4) growth in personal holiness
Serra Club of Spokane partners with:
– Most Rev. Bishop Thomas A. Daly, Diocese of Spokane, Serra USA Episcopal Advisor
– Fr. Kyle Ratuiste, Spokane Diocese Director of Vocations and Chaplain to Serra Club of Spokane
– Fr. Daniel Barnett, Rector of Bishop White Seminary and Cor Christi Program
– Knights of Columbus
– Vocation Ministry
– Monthly Adoration and
Luncheon with Guest Speaker
– Welcome Back Dinner for Seminarians and Families
– Priest Appreciation Dinner
– Appreciation Luncheon and Gifts to Consecrated Religious
– Adopt-a-Seminarian Program
– Newman College Connection
– Serra Meets (virtual lectures from leading clergy and experts on the topic of
Catholic vocations)
– Monthly Holy Hours for Holy Vocations with Seminarians followed by a Social
– Serra Anniversary Dinner
– Honoring Priest Anniversaries
– Monthly Virtual Serra International Rosary for Vocations
– Seven Serran Prayer Team
for Fr. Kyle Ratuiste, Director of Vocations
– Celebrate Priesthood Sunday
– Donations of Traveling Crucifix Kits to Catholic Schools and Parishes
– Contributions to Catholic Youth Retreats
– Regional and International Conventions
– Member and Officer Induction Ceremonies
– Award-winning Newsletter
– Facebook Page
“Serrans accept as their responsibility the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They possess a deep appreciation of the ministerial priesthood as being essential to the Church. Serrans have been generous in offering their support to those who hear the call to serve Christ in the priesthood.”
— Saint Pope John Paul II
An idea that caught on…
The year was 1934…
The place was Seattle, Washington, and four Catholic friends had an idea. They decided to meet regularly over a meal to discuss how their Christian values could be lived out in their professional lives.
Soon more friends were joining them, and within several months, they had decided on an additional focus the encouraging of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
They chose Padre Juniper Serra, the noted Spanish missionary, as patron.
That small group has grown into
Serra International.
Serrans today are still dedicated to spiritual growth, continuing Catholic adult education, warm fellowship and the encouragement and support of vocations. It was a great idea, and it has become a tradition of commitment. Serrans are men and women of all ages and from all walks of life who in addition to participating in many group activities, engage in noteworthy prayer and activities on their own time, affirming seminarians, priests, and religious.